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type 2 veranderingen in de levensstijl de allerbelangrijkste
maatregelen vormen. Een gezonde voedingswijze aannemen, afvallen
bij overgewicht en meer bewegen zijn dan ook primordiaal om
bloedglucosespiegel en geglycosyleerde hemoglobine beter onder
controle of zelfs weer normaal te krijgen. Als aan deze
voorwaarden wordt voldaan, mag van een aantal planten
supplementaire hulp verwacht worden. We halen de belangrijkste
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1. Cinnamon improves glucose and lipids of people with Type 2 diabetes. Khan A, Safdar M, Ali Khan MM, Khattak KN, Anderson RA. Diabetes Care. 2003 Dec;26(12):3215-8
2. Effects of a cinnamon extract on plasma glucose, HbA, and serum lipids in diabetes mellitus Type 2. Mang B, Wolters M, Schmitt B, Kelb K, Lichtinghagen R, Stichtenoth DO, Hahn A. Eur J Clin Invest 2006; 36 (5): 340 -344.
3. Glycated haemoglobin and blood pressure-lowering effect of cinnamon in multi-ethnic Type 2 diabetic patients in the UK: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial. Akilen R, Tsiami A, Devendra D, Robinson N. Diabet. Med. 2010 Oct;27(10):1159-67
4. Cinnamon in glycaemic control : Systematic review and meta analysis. Akilen R., Tsiami A., Devendra D., Robinson N. Clin Nutr 2012 May 12.
5. A hydroxychalcone derived from cinnamon acts functions as a mimetic for insulin in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Jarvill-Taylor KJ, Anderson RA, Graves DJ. Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara
6. Isolation and characterization of polyphenol type-A polymers from cinnamon with insulin-like biological activity. Anderson RA, Broadhurst CL, Polansky MM, Schmidt WF, Khan A, Flanagan VP, Schoene NW, Graves DJ. J Agric Food Chem. 2004 Jan 14;52(1):65-70.
7. Cinnamon extract improves fasting blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin level in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes. T. Lu, H. Sheng, J. Wu, Y. Cheng, J. Zhu, Y. Chen. Nutrition Research. 408-412, June 2012
8. A novel dihydroxy gymnemic triacetate isolated from Gymnema sylvestre possessing normoglycemic and hypolipidemic activity on STZ-induced diabetic rats. P Daisy, J Eliza, KAMM Farook - Journal of ethnopharmacology, 2009
9. A novel Gymnema sylvestre extract stimulates insulin secretion from human islets in vivo and in vitro. A Al‐Romaiyan, B Liu, H Asare‐Anane et al. Phytotherapy Research, September 2010
10. Antidiabetic effect of a leaf extract from Gymnema sylvestre in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients. K Baskaran, BK Ahamath et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, October 1990.
11. Management of Diabetes and Its Complications with Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa L.) and Corosolic Acid. Miura T, Takagi S, Ishida T. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012
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14. Demonstration of the hypoglycemic action of Momordiaca charantia in a validated model of diabetes. (PMID: 8817639)
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16. P-insulin, a polypeptide from the fruits and seeds of Momordica charantia rapidly decreased and normalized the blood sugar level in rats. Handa et al. Fitoterapia, 1989.
17. Effect of Momordica charantia on the glucose tolerance in maturity onset diabetes. J Welihinda, EH Karunanayake, MHH Sheriff et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, september 1986.
18. Effect of Momordica charantia extracts on fasting and postprandial serum glucose levels in NIDDM patients. Ahmad N et al. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull. 1999
19. 4-hydroxyisoleucine an unusual amino acid as antidyslipidemic and antihyperglycemic agent. Narender T, Puri A, Shweta, Khaliq T, Saxena R, Bhatia G, Chandra R. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2006
20. Effect of fenugreek seeds on blood glucose and lipid profiles in type 2 diabetic patients. Kassaian N, Azadbakht L, Forghani B, Amini M. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2009
21. Fenugreek bread: a treatment for diabetes mellitus. Losso JN, Holliday DL, Finley JW, Martin RJ, Rood JC, Yu Y, Greenway FL. J Med Food.
22. A Diet Rich in Antioxidants Improves Insulin Resistance in Obese Adults. Dr. A. Mancini, M.D., Institute of Endocrinology, Catholic University, Endocrine Society's 92nd Annual Meeting
23. Role of Spirulina in the Control of Glycemia and Lipidemia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Panam Parikh, Uliyar Mani, and Uma Iyer. Journal of Medicinal Food. December 2001, 4(4): 193-199.
24. Tea enhances insulin activity. Anderson RA, Polansky MM. J Agric Food Chem. 2002 nov.
25. Anti-diabetic activity of green tea polyphenols and their role in reducing oxidative stress in experimental diabetes. Sabu MC, Smitha K, Kuttan R. J Ethnopharmacol. 2002 Nov
26. Green tea polyphenols inhibit the sodium-dependent glucose transporter of intestinal epithelial cells by a competitive mechanism. Kobayashi Y, Suzuki M, Satsu H, Arai S, Hara Y, Suzuki K, Miyamoto Y, Shimizu M. J Agric Food Chem. 2000 Nov
27. Effect of green tea on blood glucose levels and serum proteomic patterns in diabetic (db/db) mice and on glucose metabolism in healthy humans. Tsuneki et al. BMC Pharmacol. 2004; 4: 18.
28. Green tea extract ingestion, fat oxidation, and glucose tolerance in healthy humans. MC Venables et al. American society for Clinical nutrition. 2008.
29. Stevioside acts directly on pancreatic beta cells to secrete insulin: actions independent of cyclic adenosine monophosphate and adenosine triphosphate-sensitive K+-channel activity. Jeppesen PB, Gregersen S, Poulsen CR, Hermansen K. Metabolism. 2000 Feb;49(2):208-14.
30. Rebaudioside A potently stimulates insulin secretion from isolated mouse islets: studies on the dose-, glucose-, and calcium-dependency. Abudula R, Jeppesen PB, Rolfsen SE, Xiao J, Hermansen K. Metabolism 2004 Oct;53(10):1378-81
31. Rebaudioside A directly stimulates insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells: a glucose-dependent action via inhibition of ATP-sensitive K-channels. Abudula R, Matchkov VV, Jeppesen PB, Nilsson H, Aalkjaer C, Hermansen K. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2008
32. Antihyperglycemic effects of stevioside in type 2 diabetic subjects. Gegersen S, Jeppesen PB, Holst JJ, Hermansen K. Metab. 2004.
33. Antihyperglycemic and blood pressure-reducing effects of stevioside in the diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rat. Jeppesen PB, Gregersen S, Rolfsen SE, Jepsen M, Colombo M, Agger A, Xiao J, Kruhøffer M, Orntoft T, Hermansen K. Metabolism. 2003 Mar;52(3):372-8.
34. Psyllium fiber reduces rise in postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Pastors JG, Blaisdell PW, Balm TK, Asplin CM, Pohl SL. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991 Jun
35. Therapeutic effects of psyllium in type 2 diabetic patients.Sierra M, García JJ, Fernández N, Diez MJ, Calle AP. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2002 Sep
36. Psyllium decreased serum glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin significantly in diabetic outpatients. Ziai SA, Larijani B, Akhoondzadeh S, Fakhrzadeh H, Dastpak A, Bandarian F, Rezai A, Badi HN, Emami T. J Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Nov 14