In schril contrast met de gestage toename van de gemiddelde levensverwachting van de mens gedurende de laatste decennia, staat de afname van zijn levenskwaliteit. Want steeds meer en op jongere leeftijd grijpen degeneratieve aandoeningen zoals diabetes type 2, de ziekte van Alzheimer, de ziekte van Parkinson, multiple sclerose, kanker, niet-alcoholische steatohepatitis en maculaire degeneratie om zich heen, terwijl synthetische cholesterol- en bloeddrukverlagers en verfijnde chirurgische technieken niet voor de gewenste afname van hart- en vaatziekten zorgen. Een gezonde en gevarieerde voeding blijft ontegensprekelijk één van de belangrijkste maatregelen in de preventie van ziekte. In deze strategie past perfect spirulina, een geconcentreerde ‘groene supervoeding’, die op verschillende terreinen een bewezen beschermende werking uitoefent.
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1. Effects of Dietary Spirulina on Vascular Reactivity. M.A. Juárez-Oropeza, D. Mascher, P.V. Torres-Durán, J.M. Farias, and M.C. Paredes-Carbajal. Journal of Medicinal Food. February 2009, 12(1): 15-20.
2. Antihyperlipemic and antihypertensive effects of Spirulina maxima in an open sample of mexican population: a preliminary report. Patricia V Torres-Duran, Aldo Ferreira-Hermosillo and Marco A Juarez-Oropeza. Lipids health Dis 26: 6-33
3. A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Establish the Effects of Spirulina in Elderly Koreans. Hee Jung Park, Yun Jung Lee, Han Kyoung Ryu, Mi Hyun Kim, Hye Won Chung, Wha Young Kim. Annals nutr metab 52 (4) 322 – 328.
4. Hypocholesterolemic Effect of Spirulina in Patients with Hyperlipidemic Nephrotic Syndrome. R. Samuels, U.V. Mani, U.M. Iyer, and U.S. Nayak. Journal of Medicinal Food. June 2002, 5(2): 91-96.
5. A Novel Protein C-Phycocyanin Plays a Crucial Role in the Hypocholesterolemic Action of Spirulina platensis Concentrate in Rats. Satoshi Nagaoka, Kazuo Shimizu, Hideki Kaneko, Fumi Shibayama, Kensei Morikawa, Yoshihiro Kanamaru, Ayako Otsuka, Tomohiro Hirahashi and Toshimitsu Kato. J. Nutr. 135:2425-2430, October 2005
6. A Diet Rich in Antioxidants Improves Insulin Resistance in Obese Adults. Dr. A. Mancini, M.D., Institute of Endocrinology, Catholic University, Endocrine Society's 92nd Annual Meeting
7. Role of Spirulina in the Control of Glycemia and Lipidemia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Panam Parikh, Uliyar Mani, and Uma Iyer. Journal of Medicinal Food. December 2001, 4(4): 193-199.
8. Studies on the long-term effect of spirulina supplementation on serum lipid profile and glycated proteins in NIDDM patients. Mani, U.V., Desai, S.A. and Iyer, U.M. J. Nutr. Functional, Med. Fds., 2(3), 25-32. 2000
9. Protection by dietary Spirulina platensis against D-galactosamine--and acetaminophen-induced liver injuries. Lu J, Ren DF, Wang JZ, Sanada H, Egashira Y. Br J Nutr. 2010 jan 27:1-4.
10. Protective effect of Spirulina against 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide induced toxicity. Viswanadha VP, Sivan S, Rajendra Shenoi R. Mol Biol Rep 2011 Jan;38(1):309-17
11. Spirulina maxima prevents induction of fatty liver by carbon tetrachloride in the rat. P. V. Torres-Durán, R. Miranda-Zamora, M. C. Paredes-Carbajal, D. Mascher. Biochem Mol Biol. Int. 1998 Apr, 44(4):787-93
12. Studies on the preventive effect of Spirulina maxima on fatty liver development induced by carbon tetrachloride, in the rat. P.V Torres-Durán, R Miranda-Zamora, M.C Paredes-Carbajal, D Mascher, J Blé-Castillo, J.C Dı́az-Zagoya, M.A Juárez-Oropeza. L Ethnopharmacol. 1999 Feb;64(2):141-7.
13. Preventive effect of Spirulina maxima on the fatty liver induced by a fructose-rich diet in the rat, a preliminary report. C. González de Rivera, R. Miranda-Zamora, J.C. Díaz-Zagoya, M.A. Juárez-Oropeza. Life Sci. 1993;53(1):57-61.
14. Arthrospira maxima prevents the acute fatty liver induced by the administration of simvastatin, ethanol and a hypercholesterolemic diet to mice. J.L Blé-Castillo, A Rodrı́guez-Hernández, R Miranda-Zamora, M.A Juárez-Oropeza, J.C Dı́az-Zagoya. Life Sci. 2002 Apr 19;70(22):2665-73.
15. Hepatoprotective effects of Spirulina maxima in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a case series. Aldo Ferreira-Hermosillo, Patricia V Torres-Duran and Marco A Juarez-Oropeza. J Med case reports. 2010 Apr 7;4:103.
16. Clinical and experimental study of spirulina efficacy in chronic diffuse liver diseases. Gorban' EM, Orynchak MA, Virstiuk NG, Kuprash LP, Panteleĭmonova TM, Sharabura LB. Lik Sprava. 2000 Sep;(6):89-93.
17. Hepatoprotective Effect of C-Phycocyanin: Protection for Carbon Tetrachloride and R-(+)-Pulegone-Mediated Hepatotoxicity in Rats. Bhat.B. Vadiraja, Nilesh.W. Gaikwad, K.M. Madyastha. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. August 1998, Pages 428–431
18. C-Phycocyanin ameliorates 2-acetylaminofluorene induced oxidative stress and MDR1 expression in the liver of albino mice. KR Roy, RP Nishanth, D Sreekanth, Reddy GV, Reddana P. Hepatol Res. 2008; 38(5):511-20.
19. Regression of experimental hamster cancer by beta carotene and algae extracts. Schwartz J, and Shklar G. J Oral Maxillofacial. Surg 45(6) 510-515; 1987.
20. Prevention of experimental oral cancer by extracts of Spirulina-Dunaliella algae. Schwartz J , Shklar G, Reid S, Trickier D. Nutr Cancer 11 (2) 127-134; 1988
21. Chemomodulation of carcinogen metabolizing enzymes, antioxidant profiles and skin and forestomach papillomagenesis by Spirulina platensis. Dasgupta T. Banejee S, Yadav PK, Rao AR. Mol Cell Biochem 226(1-2) 27-38; 2001
22. Evaluation of chemoprevention of oral cancer with Spirulina fusiformis. Mathew B, Sankaranarayanan R, Nair PP, Varghese C, Somanathan T, Amma BP, Amma NS, Nair MK. Nutr Cancer 24(2} 197-202; 1995.
23. Inhibition of tumor invasion and metastasis by calcium spirulan (Ca-SP), a novel sulfated polysaccharide derived from a blue-green alga, Spirulina platensis. Mishima T, Marata J, Toyoshima M, Fujii H et al. Clin Exp Metastasis 1998 Aug 16(6): 541-550
24. Chemo- and radio-protective effects of polysaccharide of Spirulina platensis on hemopoietic system of mice and dogs. Zhang HQ, Lin AP, Sun Y, Deng YM. Acta Pharmacol Sinica 22(12) 1121- 1124
25. Molecular mechanisms in C-Phycocyanin induced apoptosis in human chronic myeloid leukemia celline K-562. Subbashini J , Mahipal SV, Reddy MC, Mallikarjuna Reddy M, Racliamallu A, Reddanna P. Biochem Pharmacol. 2004 Aug 1; 68(3):453-462
26. Alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential by Spirulina platensis C-phycocyanin induces apoptosis in the doxorubicinresistant human hepatocellulair-carcinoma celline HepG2. Roy KR, Arunasree KM, Reddy NP, Dheeraj B et al. Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2007 Jul; 47(pt 3): 159-167
27. Molecular immune mechanism of C-phycocyanin from Spirulina platensis induces apoptosis in HeLa cells in vitro. Li B, Gao MH, Z hang XC, Chu XM. Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2006 Mar; 43(Pt 3):155-164
28. Enhancement of antitumor natural killer cell activation by orally administered Spirulina extract in mice. Yuusuke Akao, Takashi, Hisayo Masuda, Yoshiko Saeki, Takashi Akazawa, Kaoru Hazeki, Osamu Hazeki, Misako Matsumoto, Tsukasa Seya. Cancer Science August 2009, 8: 1494-1501
29. Rare carotenoids, (3R)-saproxanthin and (3R,2′S)-myxol, isolated from novel marine bacteria (Flavobacteriaceae) and their antioxidative activities. Kazutoshi Shindo, Kana Kikuta, Atsuko Suzuki, Atsuko Katsuta, Hiroaki Kasai, Mina Yasumoto-Hirose, Yoshihide Matsuo, Norihiko Misawa and Shinichi Takaichi. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2007 Apr;74(6):1350-7.
30. Carotenoid, tocopherol, and retinol concentrations in elderly human brain. Craft NE, Haitema TB, Garnett KM, Fitch KA, Dorey CK. J Nutr health Aging. 2004;8(3):15
31. Plasma Carotenoid and Malondialdehyde Levels in Ischemic Stroke Patients: Relationship to Early Outcome. M. Cristina Polidori, Antonio Cherubini, Wilhelm Stahl, Umberto Senin, Helmut Sies and Patrizia Mecocci. Free Rad Res. 2002. Mar; 36(3): 265-8.
32. Spirulina maxima pretreatment partially protects against 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine neurotoxicity. Chamorro G, Pérez-Albiter M, Serrano-García N, Mares-Sámano JJ, Rojas P.Nutr Neurosci. 2006 Oct-Dec;9(5-6):207-12.
33. Short Communication: Neuroprotective Effect of Spirulina in a Mouse Model of ALS. Svitlana Garbuzova-Davis, and Paula C. Bickford. The Open Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Journal, 2010, 3, 36-41
34. Spirulina platensis inhibits anaphylactic reaction. Huh-Nam Yang, Eun-Hee Lee, Hyung-Min Kim. Life Sci 1997;61(13):1237-1244
35. Inhibitory Effect of Mast Cell-Mediated Immediate-Type Allergic Reactions in Rats by Spirulina. Hyung-Min Kim, Eun-Hee Lee, Hye-Hyoung Cho, Young-Hoe Moon. Biochem Pharmacol 1998;55:1071-6
36. The effect of spirulina in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Labhe R.U., Mani U.V., Iyer U.M., Mishra M., Jani K., Bhattacharya A. J Nutraceutical Functional Medical Foods 2001;3(4):53-62.
37. Effects of spirulina based dietary supplement on cytokine production from allergic rhinitis patients. Pao TK, Van de Water J, Gershwin ME. J Med Food 2005;8: 27-30.
38. The effects of spirulina on allergic rhinitis. Cemal Cingi, Meltem Conk-Dalay, Hamdi Cakli and Cengiz Bal. Cingi C, Conk-Dalay M, Cakli H, Bal C. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2008 Oct;265(10):1219-23.
39. Lutein and zeaxanthin in eye and skin health. Richard L. Roberts, Justin Green, Brandon Lewis. Clin Dermatol. 2009 Mar-Apr;27(2):195-201
40. Zeaxanthin, a Retinal Carotenoid, Protects Retinal Cells against Oxidative Stress. Y Nakajima, M Shimazawa, K Otsubo te al. Curr Eye Res.2009 Apr;34(4):311-8.
41. Lutein and Zeaxanthin Concentrations in Rod Outer Segment Membranes from Perifoveal and Peripheral Human Retina. Laurence M. Rapp, Seema S. Maple, Jung H. Choi. Invest Ophtalmol Vis Sci.200.Apr;41(5):1200-9.