2-Day Workshop Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis, Part I

For thousands of years Ayurveda is helping people with its eight fold diagnostic protocols. The science and art of Pulse reading has been a speciality of Ayurveda.

The simple technique of Pulse reading can give the insight into physical and mental constitution. It provides the method to get information about various imbalances and gives the chance of early detection of many diseases of body and mind.

With practice the skill can be mastered as an important tool for self-healing and healing others. Pulse reading can help to enhance and deepen your practice as dietician, massage therapist or an Ayurveda therapist.

Alaknanda Rao (Ayurveda Acharya (teacher) /B.A.M.S.) learned the Pulse reading in Gurukula system from Raj-vaidya Shri Nana Vaidya. It is an  ancient method of 4 level Pulse reading based on ancient manuscript of Nadi Vidyan by Ravana that gives insight into Sharir Prakruti, Manas Prakruti, Sharir Vikruti and Manas Virkruti.

In these lectures she will share the practical knowledge of reading mainly Prakruti and Vikruti revealing how you were born and what your current status is. Part one will be more for beginners. In this part we will get introduced to the technique. We will learn the importance of Pulse andpractice to feel the pulse to find out Prakruti and Virkruti. We will count the beats and look into various aspects of Pulse like the volume, temperature, thickness/thinness, gate, blockages, etc.

In part two we will go more in-depth to study these aspects more and also the specific patterns of Pulse. We will see how Pulse expresses in various disease conditions like fever, ama, krimi, anxiety, etc. Most importantly we will learn and practice to read the Pulse and put it into the right perspective along with tongue and other observations: to make a complete diagnosis.

This lecture/workshop will be given in English and consists of 2 parts: part I on 24 September and part II on 8 October. You can choose to attend one or both lectures/workshops.

Cost: 60 euro per lecture/workshop.
Cost: 100 euro for both lectures/workshops together.

NOTE: Maximum group size 24 people. For booking both days please e-mail to: marketing@holisan.nl. The rate of € 100,- for 2 days cannot be booked online and is only available when you book both days in advance.

Please note that basic understanding of Ayurveda is required as the Ayurveda terminology and clinical terms will be used in the discussion.

Deze lezing/workshop wordt in het Engels gegeven en bestaat uit 2 delen: deel I op 24 september en deel II op 8 oktober. Men heeft de keuze een van de lezingen/workshops te volgen of beiden.

Aan deze lezingen zijn kosten verbonden.
Kosten: 60 euro per lezing/workshop.
Kosten: 100 euro voor beide lezingen/workshops samen.
LET OP: Maximaal 24 deelnemers. Wanneer u voor beide dagen wilt boeken, e-mail dan naar: marketing@holisan.nl. Dit kan niet online geboekt worden en de prijs van € 100,- voor 2 dagen geldt alleen wanneer beide dagen tegelijk geboekt worden.

Voorwaarde voor deelname: Lezing bedoeld voor artsen, therapeuten, diëtisten, medisch en paramedisch personeel. Basiskennis Ayurveda gewenst.