Choline is een wat vergeten nutriënt, en door de decennialange banvloek op het voedingsmiddel waarin het overvloedig voorkomt, eieren, is cholinedeficiëntie eerder regel dan uitzondering. De laatste halve eeuw is het eierenverbruik werkelijk gedecimeerd door de vanuit ‘medisch-wetenschappelijke’ hoek verspreide mythe dat het eten van eieren de cholesterolemie, en zo het risico op hart- en vaatziekten zou verhogen. We weten thans dat het tegendeel waar is, maar paradigma’s zijn hardnekkig.
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Zeisel SH, A brief history of choline.Ann Nutr Metab, 2012;61(3):254-8.
Buchman AL. Choline deficiency causes reversible hepatic abnormalities in patients receiving parenteral nutrition: proof of a human choline requirement: a placebo-controlled trial. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2001 Sep-Oct;25(5):260-8.
Shronts EP. Essential nature of choline with implications for total parenteral nutrition. J Am Diet Assoc. 1997 Jun;97(6):639-46, 649.
Zeisel SH, The fetal origins of memory: the role of dietary choline in optimal brain development, J Pediatr. 2006 November ; 149(5 Suppl): S131-S136.
Zeisel SH. Choline: needed for normal development of memory, J Am Coll Nutr 2000; 19(5):528S-531S.
Hollenbeck CB, An introduction to the nutrition and metabolism of choline. Centr Nerv Syst Ag Med Chem 2012; 12:100-113.
Li Z, Vance DE. Phosphatidylcholine and choline homeostasis, J Lipid Res 2008; 49.
Cordero P, Campion J, Milagro FI, Martinez JA. Transcriptomic and epigenetic changes in early liver steatosis associated to obesity: Effect of dietary methyl donor supplementation. Mol Genet Metab. 2013 Nov; 110(3):388-95.
de Wit NJ, Afman LA, Mensink M, Müller M. Phenotyping the effect of diet on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Hepatol. 2012 Dec;57(6):1370-3.
Corbin KD, Zeisel SH, Choline metabolism provides novel insights into non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its progression, Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2012 March ; 28(2): 159-165.
Cordero P, Gomez-Uriz AM, Campion J, Milagro FI, Martinez JA. Dietary supplementation with methyl donors reduces fatty liver and modifies the fatty acid synthase DNA methylation profile in rats fed an obesogenic diet. Genes Nutr. 2013 Jan;8(1):105-13.
Jorgacevic B et al. Dynamics of oxidative/nitrosative stress in mice with methionine-choline-deficient diet-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2013 Oct 15. [Epub ahead of print]
Mouzaki M, Allard JP. The role of nutrients in the development, progression, and treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2012 Jul;46(6):457-67.
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Rajaie S, Esmaillzadeh A, Dietary choline and betaine intakes and risk of cardiovascular diseases: review of epidemiological evidence, ARY Atherosclerosis 2011; 7(2):78-86.
Zhang CX et al. Choline and betaine intake is inversely associated with breast cancer risk: a two-stage case-control study in China. Cancer Sci. 2013 Feb;104(2):250-8.
Ying J, Rahbar MH, Hallman DM, Hernandez LM, Spitz MR, Forman MR, Gorlova OY. Associations between dietary intake of choline and betaine and lung cancer risk. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e54561.
Innis SM, Davidson AG, Melynk S, James S, Choline-related supplements improve abnormal plasma methioninehomocysteine metabolites and glutathione status in children with cystic fibrosis, Am J Clin Nutr, 2007 Mar;85(3):702-8.
Nurk E et al. Plasma free choline, betaine and cognitive performance: the Hordaland Health Study. Br J Nutr. 2012 May 1:1-9. [Epub ahead of print]
There were significant interactions between low choline or betaine and low vitamin B12 or high MMA on cognitive performance.
Buchman AL et al. Verbal and visual memory improve after choline supplementation in long-term total parenteral nutrition: a pilot study. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2001 Jan-Feb;25(1):30-5.
Mineur YS et al. Cholinergic signaling in the hippocampus regulates social stress resilience and anxiety- and depression-like behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Feb 26;110(9):3573-8.
Bjelland I, Tell GS, Vollset SE, Konstantinova S, Ueland PM. Choline in anxiety and depression: the Hordaland Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Oct;90(4):1056-60.
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CDP-choline has antihypersensitivity and antiinflammatory effects
Hurtado O et al. Citicoline (CDP-choline) increases Sirtuin1 expression concomitant to neuroprotection in experimental stroke. J Neurochem. 2013 Sep;126(6):819-26.
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