Holisan, Ayurvedic Management of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins (spataderen) is a very common problem. In Ayurveda we can compare varicose veins with the disease “Vata-Rakta”.

Ayurveda suggests external as well as internal treatment for Vata Rakta. Understanding the disease process helps in planning effective treatments.

Diet, daily regimen, yogasana, therapeutic massage, herbal packs, internal use of herbal formulae all together make a successful treatment plan for Vata Rakta.

Dr. Rao has 20+ years of clinical experience and has successfully treated hundreds of cases of varicose veins. In this lecture she will discuss treatment for varicose veins in step by step traditional Panch Nidana method.

This lecture will be in ENGLISH.
Deze lezing is in het ENGELS.

Docent:   Alaknanda Rao
Prijs:       € 15,-
Datum:    Zaterdag 9 maart 2019
Tijden:    10:00 uur – 17:00 uur
Locatie:   Holisan BV, Merwede 30, 8226 NA Lelystad

- Koffie, thee en een lichte lunch zijn inbegrepen.

- Coffee, tea and a light lunch are included.